Girlhood. Momhood. Lifehood.
Insights on navigating the craziness of life with young kids one — “large coffee with skim please” — day at a time.

Hand Picked

  • Don, Roger, Peggy and Joan.
    Oh, how I’ve missed you. Mad Men. Season 4 premiere on AMC. July 25th, 10pm EMT.

One Day at a Time

January 27th, 2010

My plan for today:
Get daughter off to preschool for the highly anticipated “Pajama Day” where they wear pj’s to school, bring a sleeping bag, pillow, stuffed animal and get pancakes for snack.

Take son to dentist at 10am then, as our usual deal, award him with a little something from the toy store across the street as a show of support for his bravery against the “picky thing.”

Take him to school before lunch.

Rush off to meet two lovely former coworkers for a long overdue lunch date.

Rush back for school pickups.

Greet sitter at 4pm and escape to home office cave for some much needed work time.

Veg after the kids go to bed.

What actually happened today:
Daughter has the sniffles, up during the night with a scratchy throat. Keep her home from school just in case due to circulation of strep around town.
Sad girl in pink pajamas. Tears, tear, tears. Promises of pancakes for lunch.

Cancel dentist appointment. Reschedule for next week.
Whining, fussing 1st grader due to no trip to toy store post-dentist.

Cancel lunch plans. So bummed.

Cancel sitter. Oh so bummed.

Get reluctant grumpy 1st grader ready for school after spending 15 minutes rearranging/canceling/rescheduling day.

Get ready to walk out the door and find handwritten crayon note by garage door written by 1st grader that is both adorable and irritating, “I am not going to school today and dote evein thik that I am going to school and this is troow (true).” Lecture 1str grader on the importance of positive attitude and flexibility.

Go to school. Call school office on the way out of the parking lot after drop off to let them know he would not be late for school today as planned (just in case he decided to detour from front entrance and instead of going to his classroom sulk in the hallway or bathroom I wanted them to know he was actually in the building). Front office now thinks i’m a nutso mom.

Drag sad preschooler to grocery store.
Sit in the parking lot and fight back tears due to the frustation level of the entire morning and the things I will not get done today.

Rent 2 movies from the red box thing. A wierd Christmas dog movie and G-Force.

Buy a People magazine for myself.

Get a cappuccino at the DD drive through.

Call my parents.

Hang out and clean kitchen while wierd dog movie is on.

Make my sad girl pancakes for lunch.

Get in 15 minutes of work/to-do list stuff.

Read People mag and wonder why, as lovely as she is, Jennifer Aniston is on the cover and Haiti is the secondary story.

Pick up 1st grader. Discuss his displeasure over a playground recess boys kung fu game gone wrong.

Watch (snooze-watched) G-force.

Make dinner.

Do some penquin unit homework with 1st grader.

Greet husband.

Escape to my office cave, do stuff for an hour, and then write this post while listening to husband playing Wii rockband in the next room.

Finish post without much editing because I’m tired.

Google lyrics to “One Day at a Time” TV show to end this post with:

“This is it; this is it. / This is life, the one you get, / so go and have a ball! / This is it; this is it, / straight ahead, and rest assured, / you can’t be sure at all. / So, while you’re here, enjoy the view; / keep on doing what you do. / Hold on tight; we’ll muddle through, / one day at a time, one day at a time! / So, up on your feet; up on your feet; / somewhere there’s music playing. / Don’t you worry none, / just take it like it comes, / one day at a time, one day at a time, / one day at a time, one day at a time, / one day at a time, one day at a time, / one day at a time…”

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